Resident Reviews

See What Our Residents are Saying About Us

Having been in my new apartment home a year, I have to summarize my year here as great! Met and enjoy the company of many friends while taking part in exercise classes, games, various meetings for different events and just feeling very comfortable and safe.

Kay Mckinney

So far so good. Staff and residents are helpful and friendly. Not having a garage is taking a little getting used to, but think it will be ok.

Andrea Nolan

Everleigh is a very welcoming, friendly community of people. We enjoy the exercise classes very much. The breakfasts three times a week are a great way to meet people, and management has been very helpful.

Elaine Louise

We love living at Everleigh among some really nice residents, but the manager is the most unhelpful executive I have encountered in years. She is snippy and whatever the request is, her answer is always no or yes which never gets done. Unfortunately I have heard that this sentiment is shared by many other residents. On the other hand, I would like to commend Mia and Inell who are always responsive and helpful, with a smile. Facility maintenance is sometimes an issue. Flooring in elevators is cracked and loose. The seating around the pool is tattered and mismatched. The flowerbeds at the driveway entrance are bare of plants with just bare piping. Not very inviting for guests or potential new residents! Christmas decorations were put off until 2 residents started the trees on December 6. We could use some oversight.

Mary Jo

Some property areas need attention; landscaping added in bare areas; non-working outdoor speakers either removed or repaired to function as designed garage doors painted; outdoor waterfall feature by putting green has not functioned since I moved in February 202:


Office staff, maintenance crew and residents are all helpful and friendly. The building is clean. Maintenance requests are filled promptly. I love living here.

Dinah Lee Slover

Celebrating 10 months at Everleigh! Truly enjoying my life here! Making wonderful friends and memories! Lots of activities to take part in as you like, from exercising, games, social events and just enjoying the friendly atmosphere! Friendly, helpful staff, as well. So glad I made the move to Everleigh!

Kay Mckinney

It has been a great experience all around! The staff and fellow residents have made the move and stay comfortable! Look foward to meeting new friends and create new memories!!

Robin Dal

Manager never here due to she has a second job. Definitely no communication! Gates don’t work have the time false sense of security, no cameras in parking lot. We have a resident who is a thief and has been caught by management a few times written up but that’s it oh and she is also a smoker which they are aware of. Still no cushions for our pool area we’ve had to live with rip and torn and bug infested cushions for a second year. Trees out by pool over grown and full of Bee’s who puts a tree out by a pool that Bee’s pollinate one resident has been stung twice which thank god she was not allergic to Bee’s. I’am highly allergic to Bee stings so I now have to take my EpiPen! The resident filled out an incident report and had heard nothing from anyone. We still have no pool cleaner our maintenance men clean our pool they do there very best but it’s not good and how do we know the pool levels are good to bring our grandchildren in to swim besides they might get attacked by bee’s.


There are a lot of great people that we have met, and a lot of the same interests and get together. In whichwe get together on wine downs and cookouts

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Each resident review is provided by a current or former resident of the apartment community. Neither Modern Message nor the residential apartment community control the content of the reviews provided. All participating residents receive an equal number of rewards points within the Community Rewards platform in exchange for posting a review.